
Saturday, 30 June 2018

Cave Art

Cave Art

What am I learning?

Cave Art is a bridge between today and in the past. Cave Arts show us how people in the past history lived and survived. We can see the types of tools they used to hunt, what food they eat and how it looks like. Cave Art is like paintings in an exhibit in a less fancy way. I also learned how to actually imitate cave arts with my class in Social Studies.

How does this work show my learning?

By learning and seeing cave art stuff, we made our own cave art-like on a sandpaper. I knew how to do it and the purpose of doing it.

What am I wondering?

Now I wonder how they came up with the idea of doing cave art and the colours they used...

How can I use this learning?

I might use this if I ever visited a preserved Cave Art like the Petroglyphs in the Philippines or to just have an idea about the living in the past and how it differs now.

This is what our class did in Social Studies imitating cave art.

Friday, 29 June 2018

Curiosity: Why Do We Cry? and How?

Image result for why we cry
Have you ever wondered why we cry, exactly? Our eyes have this salty chock fluid full of protein, water, and mucus and oil released from the lacrimal gland in the upper, outer region of your eyes. This fluid is better known as tears.

There are three types of tears for different purposes:

1. Basal Tears are omnipresent in our eyes. These constant tears keep our eyes from drying out. The human body produces an average of 5-10 ounce of tears each day. They drain in our nasal cavity, which is the reason why many of us develop a runny-nose after a good sobfest.

2. Reflex tears protect our eyes from harsh irritants such as smoke, onions, dusty wind, etc. The sensory nerves in your cornea deliver this irritation to your brain stem, which in turn send hormones in the eyelids. These hormones cause the eyes to produce tears, effectively ridding the irritation off.

3. Emotional tears. It starts in the cerebrum where sadness is registered. The endocrine system is then triggered to release hormones to the ocular area, which then causes tears to form. Emotional tears are common among people who see Bambi's mother die or who suffer personal losses.

TRIVIA: In Japan, some people have taken the notion of "a good cry" to the next level. They hold organized crying clubs where they watch sad movies and television shows and read tear-inducing books.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Egyptian Medicine

Egyptian Medicine

Egyptian Medicine is one of the oldest ancient document in the history of discoveries. Their medical practice includes locating of bones, minimally invasive surgeries, dentistry and an immense set of pharmacopoeia. As an example, Egyptians discovered how to treat diseases and make their own drugs written on a papyrus. I thought that pharmacopoeia (meaning, drug-making) is where the word pharmacy came from. They easily identify and treat injuries, unlike diseases which are more complicated.  Their discoveries are a great help in today's science, and with technology nowadays medical practices are improving and more illness are curable. 

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Making Circuits

Aim: Make the bulb light and compare the brightnesses between 3 kinds of circuit

Equipment: Wires (alligator clip), bulbs, battery

Diagrams of circuits used:

                                            Circuit 1                                              Circuit 2

      Circuit 3

1. The first circuit has a brighter light than the second series circuit because it has only one load that receives all the electrons. The second circuit has 2 loads that mean they share the voltage.

2. The third circuit is brighter because the flow of electrons around the circuit only passes one bulb in every path.

3. The first and third circuit has almost the same brightness.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Country Living is Good for Young People

Does living in a countryside good for young people?

Here are 4 points in both pros and cons side regarding the question to understand and have enough knowledge about the two and be fair in judging the impacts of it.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Curiosity: How Humans Benefit From Pets

How Humans Benefit from Pets?

Have you ever noticed that you feel better when you're around with your pet? It's true. Your pets help you improve your mood. Spending a quality time your pet dog or cat or any other animals can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing. They are the best stress relievers, just sitting down, walking, playing and even sleeping with your pet helps you get better than doing these things alone.

According to a research, people who own dogs or pets are less likely to have a heart disease than to those who are non-owners. Walking with a dog in a park is like a social magnet, people tend to ask if they can pet your dog and start talking to you. Petting your cat or dog feels good. It can also lower your blood pressure, helps your body release a relaxation hormone, and cuts down on levels of a stress hormone.

A pet is not just your companion but consider them as your family, too. Don't forget to feed and bath them, always clean the litter box and play with them because they can also have depressions so as we do.
Image result for pets reduce stress

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Monday, 18 June 2018

Performance Evaluation


1. Were you happy with your performance? Why? Describe?

YES! Cause I know to myself that we all enjoyed the song and that we received a big applause from the audience.

2. How did you feel performing in front of an audience? Explain!

A bit nervous but feels so good. Performing in a small crowd made me tremble though I'm used in performing in front of many people, at first  I felt like I'm going to ruin the stage and everything but when I started singing and playing the piano I felt the excitement and just go with the melody of the song.

3. What was your final grade and were you happy with?

Excellence- and yes I'm very happy with it but I have this kind of feeling that our performance should be in the middle of merit and excellence cause we're not that very good but not so bad also.

4. How could you have improved your performance?

We might communicate more as a group and share our ideas to improve our performance. We should also build more confidence as a group and encourage each other.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Curiosity: How cats communicate with People?

 As a pet lover and owner, I always wonder if they can understand what I'm saying or their gestures and stuffs towards me. 

According to bright side, cats can recognise 25-35 words they hear frequently, like when you call them by their names often or some basic commands and phrases you always tell them. They can't respond with words but using gestures with their body.

These are some common body languages of your cat:

Here are also some tips to understand your cat, we all know how our beloved cats act like a boss and us as their servants but they can reduces your stress and makes you happy!

Friday, 1 June 2018

Curiosity: How to Get and Stay Motivated

A lot of people today are wondering how come some people can do more and better things than them, what kind of sorcery they do to stay motivated and inspired by getting things done.

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I, as a student who's aiming for a really high mountain, also needs to manage my time properly and well balanced. Procrastinating is a bad friend of mine, staying away from it is so simple but difficult though. However, once you know this trick, you'll be more productive!

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Get things started! 

Some of you might have journal or to do list but remaining as papers and no results. It's because, you know what things you need to do but don't know how to start or not motivated to do it. For example, waking up in the morning, you know i your mind that you have loads of work to do and need to wake up now but choosing to sleep for more minutes that will turn into hours. 

In order to achieve something start waking up earlier than you do. Don't think of the things you need to do in the morning because this will decrease your motivation to do it! Break your to do list into simple stuffs. 

According to Newton's First Law of Motion could also be Newton's Law of Productivity. 

An object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force. (i.e. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest.)

So, once you've started it, it is much easier to continue going on! Motivation is often the result of action, not the cause of it. Getting started, even in very small ways, is a form of active inspiration that naturally produces momentum. Once a task has begun, it is easier to continue moving it forward.

Stop waiting for motivation and inspiration to come to you, they will never come! This is the difference between professionals and amateurs. Professionals make schedules and stick to it rather than doing things when motivation only strikes. Are you a professional or an amateur? 

How to stay motivated?

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Create a ritual! A simple routine you can do for 5 minutes can lead you to your goals! For example, going for an exercise, start by washing your face and putting on your shoes. Once these simple things are done, things will be easier to do and continue towards it rather than laying in bed and complain about the whole day.

Motivation is often the result, not the cause. You'll get motivated by the results you had and get the habit of doing it for more results! So you cant get motivated by doing NOTHING!

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If you can do it for 2-5 minutes, then do it NOW! Don't wait for tomorrow or later.

If you loved this blog post and want to learn more please visit this site
Motivation -source